Hello! We had 9 students over last night for a "seeker study" -- that is, all who come have not decided to follow JC yet, but want to learn more. About 5 of those 9 have been studying with us for at least 6 months. We would like to have more in the study, but our current apartment is too small. Last night we looked at Nicodemus, and about needing to be born again to see the Kingdom and that God so loved that he sent his son (and we took time to discuss how the moral and religious perfection of a Pharisee did not give them favor with God, and how this Son died before we could earn this love. . . ).
One student, here for only 6 months studying sociology and psychology, commented: "This idea that by being loved first somehow gives us the power to change our hearts to its deepest, is so fantastic! I have never never heard of this, and I will need time to think about it!" Another student commented, "But to see the Kingdom I need to be born again, how does that happen? I am not willing, yet, to say that God exists — but I would like to know more. How can I know more unless I am born again? How do I do that if I don't believe?" And another, "This is teaching me that even though other people really never get to know the real me, deep inside — yet God knows me and still loves me."
As I was preparing this study on Nicodemus, I listened to a USA pastor and in his explanation, he said — God knew the deep things of Nicodemus and being a Pharisee, and yet loved him enough to shake him up and give him a chance to know truth. The truth being that God knows us to the bottom of our hearts yet loves us to the sky.
- All is going on schedule for Vivien and Ivy's washing this coming Sunday afternoon!
- The seeker study keeps goin on and though one person has stopped, 3 new people have joined
- The British Chrch we attend helped put on an activity for International students, and gave a super Gspel presentation
- One of the local Brits — Steve and Rachel — signed up to be a local host family to 2 international students, both Chinese girls, and have had deep, extended conversations about the Good news, and the one girl from TAIWAN is very very interested.
1. For Vivien and Ivy, that they do not get scared nor anything gets in the way of their washing this Sunday afternoon
2. For the other Belivers in our sat night group — they expressed that there is a LOT of mocking and criticism of their relationship with Father, and it is difficult for them! This country has a strong sense of mockery and belittling of JC. . .this also makes it difficult for any interest in our studies
3. For Rene, the girl from Taiwan that is talking with Steve and Rachel . . .may she have the courage to be free!
4. That those young adults in our British chrch can meet internationals and have good conversations.
Here are some photos! This one is Vivien and Ivy, with one of Viven's friends (the tall one is the friend) at the CHInese new year celebration , showing the toys they won:
Here is a photo of the chinese celebration in China Town — very typical Manchester weather!
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