Thursday, January 17, 2013

Weekly Prayer - Christlike Attitude

The second of our Kingdom Prayer Requests, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus,” comes from Philippians 2:5.

Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (NASB)

In context of the verses which follow, we can see clearly Paul is exhorting us to adopt the same selfless, humble servant heart which marked our Savior’s life and the submission and obedience which marked His death.

We ought to examine ourselves often and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us whether we are manifesting these same qualities.  

·        Are we in the habit of esteeming others higher than ourselves, or do we insist on our own rights?
·        Are we humble with each other, or do we see ourselves as just a bit smarter or better than the sinner to our right or to our left?
·        Do we keep a keen eye on the knowledge that we are to walk out our own salvation with fear and trembling, or do we walk instead with a proud and haughty spirit, all but supposing we have somehow become worthy of heaven on our own merit?
·        Are we willing to serve Our Lord and each other, or do we sit warming a pew while expecting to be served?
·        Are we carrying our obedience to its full extreme, or do we obey merely when it is comfortable and convenient?

Dearest Lord Jesus, Only You can rightly judge our heart, as You know our hearts even better than we do. We pray together as a church family, unified in mind and purpose asking that daily You would renew in us a right spirit and a contrite heart; develop our attitudes and behavior to express You! You are the Potter and we the clay, mold us and make us into the image of Christ.

Teach us and guide us, keeping us humble and helpful. Lord, show us the ways in which we are to serve You through service to each other. And, may we serve each other without grumbling or faultfinding, as Paul exhorts. For if we do, we are told we will be bright lights in a dark world. May the lost of Lake County see the light and power of Christ through our service and our works and glorify the Father.

Lord, may we be found obedient servants of the Most High. May Your Spirit move in and among us, calling and guiding each of us to the plans that You have for us. May each heart be open to hearing Your call, and may we each become acutely aware that we have been saved on purpose for a purpose. Please reveal to us the work you have for us and may You find us receptive and obedient to the call, not for our own glory, but that all the glory and honor would belong to You!

May we each be found to have this attitude of Christ! AMEN!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Praise Reports for 2013

Here is our church-wide list of praises and answered prayers. Please post any and all praises and answered prayers as a comment here throughout the year by listing a comment....

Monday, January 7, 2013

Weekly Prayer - Salvation of the Lost

If you were at service yesterday morning, you already know that Pastor Jamieson batted his sermon out of the proverbial park. We were challenged to define our coming year and then to keep record. We were exhorted to take the Lord’s offer of a “do over,” as Our God is a God of new beginnings.

Rarely do we experience as profound a season of beginning as that of rebirth in Christ. At the moment of our salvation we move from death to life. The old is passed and we become new creatures in Christ. We are sealed as His by the power of the Holy Spirit and begin our first tottering steps on our walk with Him. It is joy unspeakable.

We are commanded by our risen Lord to share our faith with others, so they may share in our joy with their own new beginning. Go and make disciples, we are told. Since our God is not willing that any should perish, we also should want for all people to come to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The first of our Kingdom Prayer Requests as listed on our weekly prayer sheet is “Salvation of the lost.” To this end, let’s pray this week for the souls of the lost, especially those here in our “Jerusalem,” Mount Dora even to the ends of the earth. 

It is interesting that the scripture used as reference for this request is 1 Timothy 2:4. When read in context of the verses preceding it, it becomes apparent Paul was instructing Timothy to pray also for the salvation of their governmental authorities. His reason is compelling for today. They were to pray for the salvation of the leaders, in order that they may live in peace.

Father, thank You for our security in You. Thank you Lord that we need not question our ability to “do over” with You. Your Word tells us that if we confess our sins, You are faithful to forgive us and cleanse us. Your Word tells us that our sin debt is “paid in full – tetelestai!” We need only confess and repent, and begin anew. Praise You Lord!

Renew in each of us the joy of Your salvation. Remind us of our initial desire to share You with everyone. Father as we go through this year, we pray for the lost all around us. We may not know them at all Lord, but You are intimately acquainted with each one, and You desire that none should perish. Give us a heart for Your lost sheep.

Father we pray for the salvation of each and every soul in Mount Dora, in Eustis, in Tavares, and Lake County. Lord, we pray that each and every one who is predestined to be Your elect would come to saving knowledge of the sacrifice of Christ. Lord, we pray that You would prepare the soil of their hearts to receive the seed of Your gospel. We pray that You would prepare workers to bring Your Word to them. Lord, prepare a Holy appointment for them to hear and accept Your Gospel. We pray Lord that there would be a bountiful harvest of souls in our county for the praise and glory of Your Name, the Name above all names! Father, may You be honored through the work done for You.

And Father, we pray, as Paul exhorts, that our government leaders and authorities would also come to saving knowledge of You. We pray this Lord so we may live at peace with our community and government.

In the sweet and precious name of Christ, AMEN!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Few Resolutions

Another year is upon us and we are faced again with a barrage of suggestions for personal resolutions promising success, health and happiness. We are pressed to make each year better than the last. Suggestions abound to review the past year and to look with enthusiastically high and lofty goals to the next.

As one post I read on facebook said, "If you aim at nothing, chances are that is what you are going to hit.  In a few days 45% of America will make a New Years resolution and of those who do; they are 10 times more likely to see the desired changes come into their life, than those who made no resolution."

There is an inspiration making its way around the internet. Find an empty jar, they say, and as the year passes write out on slips of paper all of the good things as they happen during the year. On New Year’s Eve next year, read the slips and review the joys of the year. A very worthy ambition, is it not?

Let’s go into this year as a church family with a few resolutions together. Please feel free to comment on this page to do the following:

·        Let’s commit to abiding in Christ, the Vine that gives life to His branches that they may bear MUCH fruit.
·        Let’s commit anew to praying for each other, for our church and for our leaders DAILY.
·        Let’s commit to edifying one another and encouraging one another DAILY.
·        Let’s commit to sharing a “family jar” of joys and answered prayers.
·        Let’s make a goal of praising God together, right here.
·        Let’s commit to making this a year full of praises that we can review at year’s end.

Father God, we boldly approach Your throne of grace, grateful for the privilege. Thank You, Father for this fresh New Year. Thank You for our wonderful church family. Thank You for this sweet and precious body of believers with whom we may worship You, The One True God.

Praise You, Father for our leaders. Please bless them in this New Year. Give them wisdom, strength and guidance as they strive to follow You. Bless their families with health and wellness, joy and peace. Clearly show them, Lord the ways You would have us serve You. May You find us faithful to Your call and to Your work as we look forward to Your coming. In You we place our trust and our hope.

We ask, Dear Lord, that You would bless us this year with countless magnificent ways to praise You. May we join together for the uplifting of our church in worshipful praise and thanksgiving. May this year find us faithful to edifying one another as brothers and sisters.

We praise You Father and pray You would count us worthy to serve You and each other throughout the coming year. May our work be acceptable to You, Almighty God and may it bear much fruit to the praise and glory of Your Name! AMEN and AMEN!