Sunday, September 30, 2012

Election 2012: Obama & Romney on abortion

by Michael Foust/Baptist Press

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) -- President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney differ on a wide range of significant issues, with abortion being among the most substantial. 

30 million Christians aren't registered/don't vote. Read more here.
They are so far apart, in fact, that Obama's campaign made abortion an issue in campaign TV ads and at the Democratic National Convention, where at least 25 speakers referenced Obama's pro-choice and Romney's pro-life views.

Today Baptist Press begins a series of articles examining Obama and Romney on the issues, looking at their actions and their words. Today's installment examines the issue of abortion.


Obama's actions

-- January 2009: Issued an executive order overturning a ban on federal funds for organizations that perform or promote abortions in foreign countries. His order reversed what is known as the Mexico City policy.

-- January 2009: Restored funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), a U.N. agency that supports China's population control program which includes forced abortions.

-- March 2009: Nominated Kathleen Sebelius to be secretary of Health and Human Services. As Kansas governor, Sebelius had vetoed several pro-life bills, including one that would have placed limits on late-term abortions. Since being confirmed as HHS secretary, she spoke at a fundraiser for NARAL Pro-Choice America, an abortion rights group. 

-- May 2009: Nominated Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court. She had a thin paper trail on social issues, including abortion, but was endorsed by pro-choice groups.

-- December 2009: Signed into law a bill that allowed government funding for abortions in the District of Columbia.

-- December 2009: Endorsed a Senate version of the health care bill that included taxpayer funding for abortion as part of a public option. The bill that became law did not include a public option. 

-- March 2010: Signed the landmark health care bill into law. It includes federal subsidies for insurance plans that cover abortion.

-- May 2010: Nominated Solicitor General Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court. Pro-life groups said Kagan's record indicated she would uphold Roe v. Wade. Pro-choice groups endorsed her. 

-- August 2011: Announced, through his Health and Human Services Department, that insurance plans must cover contraceptives and abortion-causing drugs as part of the new health care law. The mandate, which went into effect in August 2012, exempts churches but not religious organizations such as Christian schools, hospitals and charities.

-- October 2011: Threatened to veto a bill that included a section eliminating federal funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider. 

-- Summer/fall 2012: Launched a political TV ad campaign that makes his pro-choice views a major theme of the general election. No Democratic nominee had ever made abortion a major general election theme in TV ads. 

Obama's words

-- On Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion nationwide: "As we mark the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we must remember that this Supreme Court decision not only protects a woman's health and reproductive freedom, but also affirms a broader principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters. I remain committed to protecting a woman's right to choose and this fundamental constitutional right" (January 2012). 

-- On the 2007 U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the federal ban on partial-birth abortion: "I strongly disagree with today's Supreme Court ruling, which dramatically departs from previous precedents safeguarding the health of pregnant women. As Justice Ginsburg emphasized in her dissenting opinion, this ruling signals an alarming willingness on the part of the conservative majority to disregard its prior rulings respecting a woman's medical concerns and the very personal decisions between a doctor and patient. I am extremely concerned that this ruling will embolden state legislatures to enact further measures to restrict a woman's right to choose, and that the conservative Supreme Court justices will look for other opportunities to erode Roe v. Wade, which is established federal law and a matter of equal rights for women" (Obama campaign statement, April 18, 2007).

-- Obama on how his presidency approaches the abortion issue: "I've made it ... clear that I will never back down from making sure that women have their reproductive rights here in this country" (July 2008).

Romney's actions

-- June 2005: During an unsuccessful bid for U.S. Senate in 1994 and a successful run for governor in 2002, Romney identified as pro-choice. He began identifying as pro-life in 2005 and detailed his conversion in a Boston Globe column in June of that year. The column ran the day after Romney vetoed a bill that would have allowed pharmacists to dispense the morning-after pill without a prescription to minors. The pill can cause chemical abortions. Romney said his views on abortion had "evolved" and "deepened" as governor.

"I am prolife," he wrote. "I believe that abortion is the wrong choice except in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother. I wish the people of America agreed, and that the laws of our nation could reflect that view. But while the nation remains so divided over abortion, I believe that the states, through the democratic process, should determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate."

Romney added, "You can't be a prolife governor in a prochoice state without understanding that there are heartfelt and thoughtful arguments on both sides of the question. Many women considering abortions face terrible pressures, hurts, and fears; we should come to their aid with all the resourcefulness and empathy we can offer. At the same time, the starting point should be the innocence and vulnerability of the child waiting to be born."

Romney's words

-- On Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion nationwide: "Today marks the 39th anniversary of one of the darkest moments in Supreme Court history, when the court in Roe v. Wade claimed authority over the fundamental question regarding the rights of the unborn. The result is millions of lives since that day have been tragically silenced. Since that day, the pro-life movement has been working tirelessly in an effort to change hearts and minds and protect the weakest and most vulnerable among us. Today, we recommit ourselves to reversing that decision, for in the quiet of conscience, people of both political parties know that more than a million abortions a year cannot be squared with the good heart of America" (January 2012). 

-- On the 2007 U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding the federal ban on partial-birth abortion: "Today, our nation's highest court reaffirmed the value of life in America by upholding a ban on a practice that offends basic human decency. This decision represents a step forward in protecting the weakest and most innocent among us" (April 18, 2007). 

-- On how his presidency would approach the abortion issue (taken from campaign website): "Mitt Romney is pro-life. ... Mitt believes that life begins at conception and wishes that the laws of our nation reflected that view. But while the nation remains so divided, he believes that the right next step is for the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade -- a case of blatant judicial activism that took a decision that should be left to the people and placed it in the hands of unelected judges. With Roe overturned, states will be empowered through the democratic process to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate. Mitt supports the Hyde Amendment, which broadly bars the use of federal funds for abortions. As president, he will end federal funding for abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood. He will protect the right of health care workers to follow their conscience in their work. And he will nominate judges who know the difference between personal opinion and the law. Because the good heart of America knows no boundaries, a commitment to protecting life should not stop at the water's edge. Taking innocent life is always wrong and always tragic, wherever it happens. The compassionate instincts of this country should not be silent in the face of injustices like China's One-Child policy. No one will ever hear a President Romney or his vice president tell the Chinese government that 'I fully understand' and won't 'second guess' compulsory sterilization and forced abortion. Americans have a moral duty to uphold the sanctity of life and protect the weakest, most vulnerable and most innocent among us. As president, Mitt will ensure that American laws reflect America's values of preserving life at home and abroad."
Michael Foust is associate editor of Baptist Press. Get Baptist Press headlines and breaking news on Twitter (@BaptistPress), Facebook ( ) and in your email (

40 Days of Prayer - Day 30

Each member to seek out God’s will to serve
Lord God, it is You and You alone we worship and serve! May we serve with all our heart! God of Mercy we present our bodies to You as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is our reasonable service. Lord, may we be kind and affectionate to one another honoring one another in brotherly love; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving You! May we serve one another with joy and gladness in praise and thanksgiving to You, to the glory of God the Father! In the Mighty and Holy Name of Jesus, AMEN.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 29

Each member to be filled to overflowing with the Love of God
Lord, fill us with Your Spirit and thus with Love so that we may minister to others out of overflow of love for You.  Give us strength to move out of complacency and into compassion. Father, may we see those around us through Your eyes and see them as Your children, may we see their need and become Your hands. May we be about the Father’s business. In the Name of Jesus to the glory of God, AMEN.

Friday, September 28, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 28

Strength and perseverance for each member
Lord, Our Strength, we do not fear and we are not dismayed for we know that You are with us!  Grant us power as we press on toward our goal.  Help us not grow weary of well-doing, but impart to us endurance so we may run the race set before us, so we may be fruitful in our knowledge of You. Through Jesus Christ our Strength and power we pray, AMEN.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 27

Each member would be faithful in prayer
Lord God, may we not forget the examples You gave us to go to a quiet place alone to pray! Lord, kindle in our hearts an urgent desire to be alone with You; tarrying, talking, and listening. There we find refreshment and revival.  May we seek Your presence early and often. Holy Father may my soul thirst for You, may I pant after You as the deer pants for water! Lord we pray this for all of our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. As we draw closer to You, may we draw closer to one another in love and unity! In Your Holy Name, AMEN.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 26

Every member to continue in faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope of the gospel Lord, please help us to walk in your grace and be firmly rooted and established in faith. You are our only hope. Every day and in every way, our aspiration is to hold fast to You. Lord, we know that continuance in the faith is evidence of our salvation. AMEN.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 25

Every member may live a life worthy of the Lord

Father, may we each be pleasing to You in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.  Lord, please help us to have faith so that we may please You. We need You to increase our faith. We desire to bear fruit, but we recognize our inability to bear fruit apart from You. We yearn to know You more. AMEN.

Monday, September 24, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 24

Each person to receive knowledge of His will through spiritual wisdom and understanding
We desire to be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. May we find the treasure of Your wisdom. Lord, Your word tells us that if we lack wisdom we may ask and receive, if we do not doubt. AMEN.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

40 Days of Prater - Day 23

Every member moving toward Maturity
Lord, what are we allowing the enemy to steal, kill and destroy in our lives? Lord, how do You want us to mature? We want to be more like You, but we need You to show us how. We want to be free in the way You want us to be free. We submit to Your leadership toward maturity and freedom. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chick-fil-A's Dan Cathy: We have made no concessions

Posted on Sep 21, 2012 | by Michael Foust/Baptist Press

ATLANTA (BP) -- Following reports that Chick-fil-A had agreed to stop funding certain traditional family groups in order to get approval for a new Chicago restaurant, company President Dan Cathy said Friday the restaurant made no concessions and "we remain true to who we are."

Cathy's statement, posted on Mike Huckabee's website, came one day after the company released its own statement saying that its corporate giving has "been mischaracterized" for many months and that it will continue to fund programs that "strengthen and enrich marriages."

Said Cathy, "There continues to be erroneous implications in the media that Chick-fil-A changed our practices and priorities in order to obtain permission for a new restaurant in Chicago. That is incorrect. Chick-fil-A made no such concessions, and we remain true to who we are and who we have been."

Focus on the Family President Jim Daly -- whose organization supposedly had been de-funded by Chick-fil-A -- also has spoken up for the company. And gay activist groups -- who initially applauded Chick-fil-A's supposed move -- now are criticizing the restaurant once again.

Chick-fil-A was facing a backlash after Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno and an Illinois gay activist group announced in Wednesday (Sept. 19) news reports that Chick-fil-A had agreed to no longer fund groups opposed to gay marriage, such as Focus on the Family. That alleged agreement led Moreno -- who had criticized Chick-fil-A during the summer for its president's comments affirming the traditional marriage -- to stop blocking a new franchise from being built in his ward. In comments to the Chicago Tribune, Moreno called it a "big win."

Media stories nationwide then gave Chick-fil-A another public relations headache. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's headline read, "Chick-fil-A said to change stance." The Los Angeles Times' headline: "Chick-fil-A promises to stop giving money to anti-gay groups."

The problem? Chick-fil-A's base of support remains largely in conservative states, and those customers hardly consider Focus on the Family and other groups "anti-gay." Many felt Chick-fil-A had caved.

Earlier this summer, hundreds of thousands of customers took part in Chick-fil-A Appreciation after company president Dan Cathy was criticized for comments supporting the biblical definition of marriage. Chick-fil-A's stance on values is well-known: It is closed on Sundays, and its corporate statement includes the desire to "glorify God."

In the 24 hours after the story out of Chicago broke, Chick-fil-A's Facebook page was flooded with criticism of the new policy.

"I'm disgusted that your faith is so weak," one person wrote. "You sure raked in the bucks on Chick Fil A day huh? So when do you start opening on Sunday? 'As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord'"

Chick-fil-A released a statement Thursday (Sept. 20), saying that "for many months now, Chick-fil-A's corporate giving has been mischaracterized."

"And while our sincere intent has been to remain out of this political and social debate, events from Chicago this week have once again resulted in questions around our giving," the statement said. "For that reason, we want to provide some context and clarity around who we are, what we believe and our priorities in relation to corporate giving.

"A part of our corporate commitment is to be responsible stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. Because of this commitment, Chick-fil-A's giving heritage is focused on programs that educate youth, strengthen families and enrich marriages, and support communities. We will continue to focus our giving in those areas. Our intent is not to support political or social agendas."

The company also released a document that had been referenced in the media called "Chick-fil-A: Who We Are." In it, the company repeats language from this summer and says its tradition is to "treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender."

The Who We Are document also says Chick-fil-A "supports programs and marriage retreats to help strengthen and enrich marriages," which more than 4,000 couples attend annually.

The document did not address whether Chick-fil-A has indeed agreed to stop funding certain groups, and if so, which groups. It's also unclear how the company's policy will appease gay activist groups, because marriage enrichment programs often are traditional-focused and biblically based and typically define marriage as between a man and a woman.

In fact, the Human Rights Campaign -- the nation's largest gay group -- expressed disappointment in Chick-fil-A's new statement, particularly its pledge to fund marriage enrichment programs.

"The truth is, Chick-fil-A is still donating money to anti-LGBT groups -- they are just, once again, using the language of their mission statement to deflect attention," a statement on HRC's website said. "... What that language essentially means is that they will continue to support groups with rabidly anti-LGBT agendas, but they certainly would never want anyone to think that their support should be taken as an endorsement of any particular political agenda."

Focus on the Family's Daly said in an article at Focus on the Family's CitizenLink that he supports the company. He did not directly address whether Chick-fil-A was no longer funding Focus on the Family

"Dan and Bubba Cathy are my Christian brothers and good friends. They and their company have long shared Focus on the Family's commitment to helping build strong and thriving families -- and they have in no way deviated from that deeply held and biblically inspired passion while working with the city of Chicago to open Chick-fil-A restaurants there," Daly said.

"I feel bad the Cathys are having once again to endure media accounts mischaracterizing their values and charitable efforts -- and, unfortunately, I know how they feel. Focus on the Family has for 35 years been dedicated to saving and strengthening marriages, helping couples raise happy, resilient kids and encouraging and empowering men and women to advocate for God's truth with Christ's heart. And still, in stories like some of those about Chick-fil-A's efforts to expand in Chicago, we are described as being 'hateful' toward certain groups of people.

"How is an organization that helps save one marriage every six minutes and helps parents navigate through a crisis involving their children every 90 seconds deemed 'anti' anything but 'anti-family breakdown'?" Daly concluded. "That's a question we would hope the media begins to ask with more regularity of those who disagree with us and with Chick-fil-A for bringing our Christian values to bear on the work we do in the public square."

Gay groups also were upset that Dan Cathy was helping raise money for traditional groups. The Advocate gay website took issue with Cathy taking part Tuesday (Sept. 18) in a fundraiser known as the WinShape Ride for the Family. The money, the Advocate said, will benefit the Marriage and Family Foundation, which it said funds the Marriage CoMission, a traditional group.

"Granted, the group's sole focus isn't on same-sex marriage," the Advocate reported. "The CoMission emphasizes lowering the divorce rate and making couples more satisfied in their marriages, for example. But even in those instances, the group has made clear it's worried only about heterosexuals being happy in their marriages and avoiding divorce."

The Human Rights Campaign's website referenced the Advocate story in a blog under the headline: "Chick-fil-A Fails to Live Up to Promises of Stricter Donation Guidelines."
Michael Foust is associate editor of Baptist Press. Get Baptist Press headlines and breaking news on Twitter (@BaptistPress), Facebook ( ) and in your email (

40 Days of Prayer - Day 22

Our hearts to be enlightened and receive the spirit of wisdom and revelation
Lord, we want to know You more. We want to know and be worthy of our calling. We want to know Your power in our lives. Please open our eyes to the truth. In the Mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

Friday, September 21, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 21

Every member to get right with God
Lord, only You can wash and cleanse us. Your Spirit convicts and Your Word cleanses us. We desire to be purified and fit for the Master’s use. We choose to submit to Your divine bath. By Your mercy and forgiveness, make us whiter than snow. In the Name and by the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 20

Our Sunday School teachers and Bible Study teachers

Lord Jesus, we thank You for our Sunday School teachers and Bible Study teachers and praise You for their willingness to lead us. Fill them with Your words for us.  Guide and direct them and keep them pure in heart.  May they be faithful to the Word of God in and out of the classroom. Grant them special delight in their service.  Lord may they have the joy of knowing they have changed lives and that their work in discipleship is effective and well appreciated. In Christ’s name we pray this, knowing it is in Your will. AMEN.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 19

Leaders would be encouraged by the Church body
Lord, please delight them in their work.  Bring joy to their hearts as they serve our church family. We pray that You would put it in the hearts of members to show them appreciation. Lord, as these occur, we pray they would recognize they are from You and give You praise knowing You have answered our prayer for them.  Give special joy to each one of them in a way that is meaningful to them. Give them strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. In praise and glory to Your Name, Lord Jesus. AMEN

40 Days of Prayer - Day 18

That they will preach the word of God with passion and commitment
Father we praise You that You have brought to us men who are wholly devoted to preaching Your Word and winning souls for You.  Fill their mouths with the words You would have them preach so that by hearing Your gospel many may come to faith in You.  Give them boldness to speak Your words with power. Fill them with love for the brethren and for the lost in our community. Please bless them in their ministry to bear abundant fruit for You and for Your glory! AMEN.

Monday, September 17, 2012

40 Days of Prayer - Day 17

Our leadership body to continue to seek God’s direction
Lord, Your Word tells us if we lean on You with our whole heart, You will direct our paths.  We pray our leaders will be such men.  Help them trust in You and You alone and not their own wisdom.  We pray they continue to seek You in all things. Direct their way, so that as they follow You, we may follow them in confidence. In this manner Lord, may we bring glory to You in our community and do the work You have for us to do. Through Christ Our Lord. AMEN.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Southern Baptist teacher killed in Jordan 'loved by everyone'

Posted on Sep 14, 2012 | by Ava Thomas/Baptist Press

IRBID, Jordan (BP) -- A warm breeze whips sand around cars creeping down the main street of Irbid, Jordan. A man gestures to catch the attention of a carload of Americans, then lays his hand over his heart.

He knows there is only one place they can be going. It seems the whole city is mourning the death of Southern Baptist representative Cheryll Harvey.

"Even now, I can't believe she has died," said Eman, a young Jordanian woman, as she clutches a small cup of the bitter, Arabic coffee typically served at wakes.

"I have promised that if it is a girl, we are going to name her Cheryll."
Muhannad, a former student
Eman is among dozens at the wake, shedding tears, sharing stories and paying their respects to the woman who "loved everyone and was loved by everyone." They are crowded in the small classrooms in Irbid where Harvey taught.

"Many people loved Miss Cheryll," Eman said, "many, many."

Harvey, 55, from Sudan, Texas, taught English and other subjects in Jordan for 24 years. She was found stabbed to death in her apartment Sept. 4. Robbery was the apparent motive, according to police reports.

But to students, friends and colleagues gathered at the center Sept. 10, no motive will ever make sense.

"I have not been able to sleep since I heard the news," said Muhammad, a young man Harvey tutored at his home after a problem with his legs made him unable to attend classes.

"I did not sleep, either," said his brother Ahmad, also Harvey's student.

"Many of us have not slept," echoed one of Harvey's colleagues.

They smile as they remember Harvey, they recall the many hours she spent working.

"She was the most selfless person I knew, and the busiest. I don't know how she did all she did every day," another colleague said. "She started this center in 2000, and from the very beginning, people came and it grew and grew. And she spent so much of her time visiting the students in their homes. People just met her and loved her immediately."

People like Muhannad, who met Harvey on the first day the center opened. Harvey reached out to the shy, young man who rarely talked. He invited her over for Friday lunch, and she "entered the heart" of his entire family.

Harvey ate with them nearly every Friday for the past 12 years, Muhannad said.

"I loved her as a mother, and she loved me as a son," said Muhannad, who had her listed as "Mama" in his mobile phone. "But she didn't just love me. Anyone who asked her for help, she would help."

For several hours, Muhannad sits at one of the classroom desks, recounting detail after detail of Harvey's gifts to Irbid, as if he can't get them out fast enough.

"She helped me pass college and nursing school. She sat with me and my sister one day for hours in the hot sun while my sister applied for the army. She took a friend who had cancer back and forth on the long drive to the hospital two or three times a week," he said.

Harvey's closest friends were Jordanians. Most storeowners in the area knew her well; her dry cleaner wept when he heard of her death. And Harvey often spoke of staying in Irbid after she retired, Muhannad said.

"Everyone loved her. The children in my family would run to her and jump in her arms. She brought them chocolate, and she came over with gifts for them on all our holidays," Muhannad said. "And we would always go to her house for Christmas and all her holidays."

They would, and so would all her other students, plus every kid in a reasonable radius.

"One of her friends had many small children when Miss Cheryll moved to Irbid, and Miss Cheryll told them if they studied hard and passed their classes, she would take them on a trip somewhere," Muhannad said.

Those kids took her at her word, and she kept it, Muhannad said. Now they are in high school.

"She is an angel, really. She is angel," he said. "She is always smiling and always loving, not just my family, but many, many families. She's a very honest worker, and she has helped me with all my life."

Muhannad really means "all." When he married, he took Harvey with him to meet the prospective wives and their families, an honor and role usually reserved for the son's mother, aunt or sisters.

"She went with me to seven different girls' families," he said. "I loved Miss Cheryll and respected her and wanted her to approve of the woman I married."

Now he and his wife, Doa'a, are expecting a baby. When Harvey heard the news, she exclaimed, "I'm finally going to be a grandmother," Muhannad recounted.

"I have promised that if it is a girl, we are going to name her Cheryll."

Muhannad's mother, Wajcha, nods agreement.

"Cheryll was like my daughter. If she had been one of my own daughters, I couldn't be more sad," Wajcha said. "As much as I could possibly say she was respectable, she was more than that. Everything about her was good."

Two days after the wake in Irbid, dozens more colleagues and friends gathered under a tent for a memorial service in Ajloun, the mountain town where Harvey taught for 12 years before moving to Irbid.

"She was like a candle who burned herself to show others the light."
"What shall I say about this sister who left family and country to serve as a stranger for Jesus Christ among us? Her life was her school to us -- the way she loved, lived and encouraged the people around her," said a local pastor who spoke at the service. "She did it because she loved Jesus Christ."

Another colleague agreed, telling the crowd that Harvey's choice to leave parents, brothers and friends 24 years ago also is a testimony to her love for Jordan.

"Her body may be in Texas, but her heart is in Jordan," he said. "She gave her life here."

Everyone who knew Harvey will remember her for hundreds of little things, Muhannad said.

"Once she brought light to all the floors of her apartment complex -- she bought light fixtures for every floor out of her own money," he said.

She shed light in other ways, too, said Aziz, a fellow teacher.

"She understood and respected the culture, which is a big deal, to sacrifice and do that which is bizarre to you," Aziz said. "She was a great person. The Bible says we have to be humble and simple, two things that make us believers, and she was both of those things."

Mourners at both services left notes in a memorial book for Harvey, some in English and some in Arabic.

"She teach us not only English but how to live and how to love life," one student wrote. "She was like a candle who burned herself to show others the light."
Ava Thomas is a writer and editor in Europe for the International Mission Board. 

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 16

    Wisdom and Revelation for Our Godly Leaders
    God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, grant to these men wisdom and revelation.  May You grant them strength and reinforce them with mighty power in the inner man by the Holy Spirit indwelling their innermost being. May You do more in their lives and in our church by Your power at work in them to carry out Your purpose and do far above all that we ask, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, for Your glory in the church! AMEN.

    Saturday, September 15, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 15

    Our Pastors’ Wives
    Lord God, We pray for these godly women in our midst. We pray You will strengthen and encourage them, and bring them refreshment and joy as they live lives sacrificed to You. Help them not become weary in well-doing, but help them reap a rich harvest in good time. Help us as a church to lift them up continually in prayer and support them in this endeavor.  May they find true friends and fellowship here among us. Bless them richly in the Name of Jesus the Christ. AMEN.

    Friday, September 14, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 14

    Our Leaders - Pastor Hill and his family
    Father God, Praise You for bringing Michael and Shannon to us to watch over the important work of discipling Your young people. Lord, we pray as they sow and water and tend, You would prepare the soil of the hearts of the youth within our church and within our community.  Lord, may there be an immeasurable harvest of fruit through their ministry. Lord, bless their home and fill it with love and the glory of God the Father! AMEN.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 13

     Our Leaders - Pastor Fath and his family
    We praise You, Holy Father, for bringing us this godly leader and his family. Thank You that through his leading we are able to enter into praise to You. Lord, please protect them as they continue Your work. Encourage them, build them up, and bind them together in love.  May the sounds of song and laughter fill their home. May they continue to lead us in worship to the glory of God the Father.  In the mighty and powerful name of Jesus. AMEN.

    Speak of His Love

    “Yet if we would know God and for other's sake tell what we know we must try to speak of his love. All Christians have tried but none has ever done it very well. I can no more do justice to that awesome and wonder-filled theme than a child can grasp a star. Still by reaching toward the star the child may call attention to it and even indicate the direction one must look to see it. So as I stretch my heart toward the high shining love of God someone who has not before known about it may be encouraged to look up and have hope.”
    A.W. Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 12

    Our Leaders - Pastor Boone and Kathryn
    Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Brother Fred and Kathryn.  Thank You for their willingness to sacrifice all for the cause of Christian Education.  Thank You for leading them here to help build our programs. Lord, please watch over them as they do this work, and may their ministry to You bear much fruit. Root them and build them up in You and establish them in faith. May they grow deeper in their love for you and for each other and may they find the love of family and friends here at Mt. Dora. In the Name above all names, Jesus Christ. AMEN.

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 11

    Our Leaders - Pastor Jamieson and his Family
    Lord, Thank You for our Pastor and his family. Let their hearts be devoted to one another and to You. Give them wisdom to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. May laughter be the melody in their home. In Your Faithfulness, meet their financial needs, grant them good health, and let them abide in the Shadow of the Almighty. Help us to encourage them daily, love them unconditionally, and to pray for them unceasingly. We ask this in the Name above all names, Jesus, to the Glory of God the Father. AMEN

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 10

    Wisdom and Guidance for Our church
    Lord, we praise You for our family. We thank You that we are growing in You and that You are a God who hears us. “We humbly seek Your guidance for our (church). Give us wisdom so that we will be a people guided by Your Spirit and filled with Your presence. Help us, O Lord, to honor You in word and deed, that we as a (church) will have Your blessing and favor.”* May we as a church family love the Lord, Our God, and love the brethren.  To the Glory and advancement of Your Kingdom! AMEN.

    Sunday, September 9, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 9

    God to use our church to advance His Kingdom
    Dear Lord, help us to be about the work of Your Kingdom.  We are told in Your word that if we seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, You will supply all our needs. Lord, give us strength to live this faith out loud. Open our eyes to see where You are at work around us, so we may be about the Father’s work also. Grant us the fortitude to do the work You set before You would be glorified through us. AMEN.

    Saturday, September 8, 2012

    Point of View: ‘Last Ounce of Courage’ heartwarming & heartwrenching

    Managing Editor/Florida Baptist Witness

    Article Date: Sep 7, 2012 
    Graphic courtesy
    “Last Ounce of Courage” is an engaging drama that asks moviegoers: “How are we making a difference with our life?”
    More than just heartwarming, the surprising home-conceived but professionally-rendered feature film shows the heartwrenching pain of a family who sends a soldier off to war in the desert only to later find themselves at the center of a small-town war on Christmas in America.
    Scheduled to open Sept. 14 in 1,200 theaters across the nation to coincide with Sept. 11—the commemoration of Patriot Day—the movie serves as a reminder that our freedom isn’t free. 
    The drama is filled with a multi-generational cast centered around Bob Revere (Marshall Teague), a small town mayor and combat decorated veteran who has grown apathetic and complacent along with his entire community.
    Bob’s California-grown teen-age grandson, Christian Revere (Hunter Gomez), comes into the family’s life and at the movie’s turning point asks the challenging question: “How are we making a difference with our life?”
    Taking seriouslyhis grandson’s question, Bob sets out to challenge the status quo and the temperature rises as he encounters people around town who go out of their way to avoid offending each other – for fear of breaking the law.
    Decorations go up in the public square. Schoolchildren take the matter of the school’s Winter Play into their own hands. And from there, things get interesting.
    The issue is not religion, but freedom, Bob tells the town. Indeed, there’s little religion, religious talk, or even symbolism in the movie, but there’s plenty to illustrate what happens when there’s a loss of freedom. 
    Some surprising twists build anticipation as well as keep moviegoers on edge hoping for the best and thinking about the temperature of freedom in their own cities and towns.
    A revival of freedom is birthed in the hearts of Bob’s fellow citizens, and the excitement is catching—as it is when he removes the American flag thrown over his Harley and takes the vehicle on a spin through town.
    A passionate and heartfelt film by Veritas Entertainment, in association with Hellfighters Productions, Be-Still Pictures, Outpost Worldwide, and Veritas Partners, the story is written by Richard and Gina Headrick. Richard Headrick, who has a few cameo appearances in the movie, is a Southern Baptist businessman from Mississippi who operates a ministry to the homeless and others and has spoken at the Baptist College of Florida in Graceville.
    In conjunction with the release of the film, the producers are launching a new social media platform, StandUSA, designed to engage Americans in the every day fight for freedom. Serving to unite voices around the common value of preserving liberty, it will amplify the message to reach and motivate the largest audience possible.
    The cast incudes Bob Revere (Marshall Teague)—the main character, a 65-year-old war hero, pharmacist and mayor of a small town; Dottie Revere (Jennifer O’Neill)—an internationally acclaimed actress, film and television star, with over thirty feature films to her credit; Christian Revere (Hunter Gomez)—who starred in National Treasure and the short films, Rocketboy and The Blacksmith and the Carpenter; and Kari Revere (Nikki Novak)—the mother of Christian and daughter in law of the Revere’s, whose son, Thomas, died in the first Iraq war. 
    There likely isn’t a more fitting movie this season as the war in Iraq and Afghanistan winds down; communities and schools grapple with how to prepare for November and December holidays; and finally, as we face an upcoming election season and consider the impact of the enormous erosions of what we have all too often taken for granted—our first freedoms.
    It’s time to take a stand and as a first step ask ourselves, “How are we making a difference?” Watch “Last Ounce of Courage.” You won’t be disappointed.
    Rated PG for some war scenes and smoking, the movie’s run time is 110 minutes and I recommend it for middle school and above.

    Friday, September 7, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 8

    Prosperity of the Church
    Father God, we pray You richly bless our church. Father we ask it in humility and not for our gain.  We ask it so we will be in a position to give generously to those in need in Your name.  Lord, please bless us with resources to give bountifully and cheerfully.  Please prosper us so that we may prosper others, in order that You will receive their thanks for meeting their needs. We thank You in advance with earnest expectation of the joy of their thankful praise lifted high to You! AMEN.

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 7

    Growth of the Church
    Lord, Help us focus our hearts on glorifying You in our community and winning souls for Your Kingdom. Lord, help us do our part in reaping a harvest for You so the courts of Your holy temple will be filled! Fill us with Your Holy Spirit so we will boldly go out the highways and byways and invite passersby to the wedding feast of the Lamb, for many are called, but only You decide who is chosen.  Our work is to bring them in, may we be incessantly at this work, Father.  To the glory of Your name, AMEN.

    Thursday, September 6, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 6

    Love of the Brethren
    Lord God we pray above all else that You would be glorified among us. As we walk our daily walk, fill us with love for our church family, weave us together into one cord. Lord, Your word tells us the world would know we are Your disciples by the love we have for one another. May we be so filled with Your love for one another that You, Lord God would be glorified. In Christ’s name and through His strength we pray this, AMEN.

    Wednesday, September 5, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 5

    Let Our Light Shine in Our community
    Lord, may we be found to have fed the hungry, clothed the naked, taken in the stranger, visited the widows and cared for the orphans.  Show us Lord how we as a body can do these things for You, and then give us the strength and fortitude to do them. To the glory of Your name! AMEN.

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 4

    Abiding in Christ
    Lord, may we each individually and corporately recommit to abiding in You each day.  We have asked for a filling of the Holy Spirit, but we recognize that one meal a week makes us weak.  Lord we recognize that if we abide in You persistently, there is ceaseless flow, continual refreshment, and constant strength from the power that can only come from You.

    Monday, September 3, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 3

    Praise God for New Beginnings
    Thank You, Father for our church family.  Thank You for brothers and sisters with whom to share this praise! May our love for You and for each other abound.  Lord would You fill us to overflowing with the Holy Spirit so the fruit of the Spirit, namely LOVE, would be palpable among us.

    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 2

    Forgiveness for Corporate and Individual Sin

    Lord, we confess our sins, corporate and as individuals. We pray You would move the hearts of all our church family toward confession and repentance, so that when You look upon Your church, You see Your Bride pure and lovely, sanctified and set apart for Kingdom work.

    Saturday, September 1, 2012

    40 Days of Prayer - Day 1

    Church Unity

    Lord, we pray that as we submit to You in this matter of church unity, You will raise us up in love. By our unity, may You glorify Yourself among us and so gather new believers to Yourself for the glory of Your kingdom and the upbuilding of Your bride, the Church.